African Lily Blue Storm
A very robust evergreen perennial that forms a compact mound of strappy narrow green leaves with multiple stout stems, each carrying a loose cluster of violet-blue bell flowers. Flowering of this African Lily, unlike others, begins in late spring and continues well into early autumn. Agapanthus Blue Storm is very well suited to container growing, where it will adjust its size and flower earlier.
African Lily is increasingly popular with landscapers for its easy care and adaptability to various locations, tolerating both wet and dry once established. Avoid heavy wet soil. Feed with a rich fertilizer throughout the flowering season.
Site: Salt tolerant, suitable for coastal gardens with some shelter
Soil: Moist, but well drained, clay tolerant, tolerates dry soil once established
Position: Full sun
Season of Interest: Blue flowers from early Summer to Autumn
Hardiness: Half hardy (down to - 5°C)
Height: 2.5 ft (75cm) Spread: 3ft (100cm)